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THE FIELD THE QUEST FOR THE SECRET FORCE OF THE UNIVERSE Lynne McTaggart 2001 LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS PROLOGUE The Coming Revolution "WE ARE POISED ON THE brink of a revolution - a revolution as daring.and profound as Einstein's discovery of relativity; At the very frontier of science new ideas are emerging that challenge everything we believe about how our world works and how we define ourselves. Discoveries are being made that prove what religion has always espoused: that human beings are far more extraordinary than an assemblage of flesh and bones. At its most fundamental, this new science answers questions that have perplexed scientists for hundreds of years. At its.most profound, this is a science of the miraculous. There is no 'me' and 'not-me' duality to our bodies in relation to the universe, but one underlying energy field. This field is responsible'for our mind's highest functions, the information source guiding the growth of our bodies. It is our brain, our heart, our memory - indeed, a blueprint of the world for all time. The field is the force, rather than germs or genes, that finally determines whether we are healthy or ill, the force which must be tapped in order to heal. We are attached and engaged, indivisible from our world, and our only fundamental truth is our relationship with it, 'The field,' as Einstein once succinctly put it, 'is the only reality.'1" MIN DOTH DREAM WHAT IN HEAVEN DOTH MIN MEAN Page 295 Traditional Australian Aborigines believe, as do many other 'primitive' cultures, that rocks, stones and mountains are alive / Page 296 / and that we 'sing' the world into being - that we are creating as we name things. The discoveries of Braud and Jalm showed that this was more than superstition. It was just as the Achuar and the Huaorani Indians believe. On our deepest level, we do share our dreams." "we 'sing' the world into being - that we are creating as we name things." SING ME ANOTHER ONE DO
THE BOOK ON THE TABOO AGAINST KNOWING WHO YOU ARE Alan Watts 1966 PREFACE "THIS BOOK explores an unrecognized but mighty taboo-our
tacit conspiracy to ignore who, or what, we really are. Briefly, the thesis is that the prevalent sensation of oneself as a separate ego enclosed in a bag of skin is a hallucination which accords neither with Western science nor with the experimental philosophy-religions of the East-in particular the central and germinal Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism. This hallucination underlies the misuse of technology for the violent subjugation of man's natural environment and, consequently, its eventual destruction.
THE TRUE AND INVISIBLE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER Paul Foster Case 1981 PART TWO: THE GRADES OF THE ORDER The Grade of Magister Templi Page 276 "...It is serene confidence that even now, despite all appearances to the contrary, perfect Justice is manifested in all the complex operations of the Great Work of. the Life Power's selfmanifestation. The wise do not look forward to a day when Justice will rule the universe. They perceive intuitively that Justice does rule and they school / Page 277 /
themselves to discern its operation, even though that operation may be thickly veiled by appearances.
THE FULCANELLI PHENOMENON Kenneth Rayner Johnson 1980 THE ULTIMATE MYSTERY Page Page 263 Page 273 VIII "Within the human body there is hidden a certain metaphysical substance, known only to the very few, whose essence it is to need no medicament, for it is itself uncorrupted medicament. There is in natural things a certain truth which cannot be seen with the outward eye but is perceived by the mind alone. The philosophers have known it and they have found that its power is so great as to work miracles... In this lies the whole art of freeing the spirit from its fetters... it is the highest power and an impregnable fortress wherein the philosopher's stone lies guarded - Gerhard Dorn, pupil of Paracelsus. WE HAVE journeyed a long way, from the ancient land of
the Pyramids, through the Mysteries of pre-Christian cultures, the mysticism and magic of the secret fraternities who enshrined their arcane wisdom in written and sculptured cipher, down to the present-day aura of the elusive Fulcanelli, Master Alchemist. 'It is at the time when bodily inertia asserts itself, at the same hour when Nature finishes her work, that the Wise Man finally begins his own. Let us therefore lean towards the abyss, let us scrutinize its depths, rummage through the darkness which covers it, and the Void will instruct us. Birth teaches us few things, but death, from which life is born, can reveal all. It alone holds the keys of the laboratory of nature; it alone / Page
275 /
delivers the spirit, imprisoned in the midst of the material body. Shadow, bestower of light, sanctuary of truth, asylum violated by wisdom, it hides and jealously withholds its treasures from timorous mortals, the indecisive, the sceptical, all those who disregard or dare not confront it. FINIS SED INCEPTIO EST
A BRIEF HISTORY OF INFINITY "The Quest to Think the Unthinkable Brian Clegg 2003 Page 66 "When dealing with such ratios, they would know that there was a clear relationship in terms of a full unit - so, for instance, in the famous right angled triangle of Pythagoras' theorem, they would think of of the longest side being 5 units long when the other side were 3 and 4..."
Pythagorean Triangles and Triples Jump to The 3-4-5 Triangle: 3 4 5 on graph paper But all Pythagorean triangles are even easier to draw on squared paper because all their sides are ...
www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Pythag/pythag.html - Cached - Similar
-3:4:5 triangle definition - Math Open Reference - Sep 23
-The Pythagorean Theorem and the Maya Long Count Various ancient cultures based some of their artwork on the 3-4-5 right triangle, frequently referred to by geometrists as a perfect triangle. Pythagoras is ...
www.earthmatrix.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar
-Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras The evidence that the particular triangle alluded to in the Monitor is the 3,4,5 right triangle can be derived from the odd comments about Pythagoras' ...
www.sricf-ca.org/paper1.htm - Similar
-The 3-4-5 Rule is the Pythagorean Theorem: Set Control Lines for ... The Pythagorean theorem is the basis for the 3-4-5 rule. This simple math equation is a carpenter's tool used to find or verify the squareness of a room or ...
-pythagoras For integers m and n, {n2-m2, 2mn, n2+m2}is a pythagorean triangle. For m=1, n=2, you'll get {3, 4, 5}. I'll add a diagram so that this isn't completely ...
www.mathpuzzle.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar
-The Pythagorean Theorem First described by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras 2500 years ago, the Pythagorean ... For example: 3,4,5 or 6,8,10 or 9,12,15 or 12,16,20 ... etc ...
www.worsleyschool.net/.../pythagoras/pythagoreantheorem.html - Cached - Similar
-pythagoras Pythagoras the 3-4-5 fallacy. ... Traditionally the example used to illustrate the Pythagorean theorem is the 3-4-5 diagram. This is a fallacy, ... www.marques.co.za/duke/pythagoras.htm - Cached - Similar -
The Theorem of Pythagoras 25 Nov 2001 ... Brief description and proof of the Pythagorean theorem by dissection, ... Ancient Egyptian builders may have known the (3,4,5) triangle and ... arc.iki.rssi.ru/mirrors/stern/stargaze/Spyth.htm - Cached - Similar -
CIVILIZATION, SCIENCE AND RELIGION A. D. RITCHIE 1945 THE ART OF THINKING Page 38 "In the sphere of the natural sciences and of mathematics there have been endless disputes as to how much the Greeks borrowed from their neighbours, and the disputes are likely to continue, for the evidence is scanty and unreliable. It is safe to assume that the Greeks (noted then as now for commercial enterprise) took all they could get. Their own writers say as much, for they attribute the origin of very many useful inventions to other peoples. But this one thing, the scientific outlook and method, was not there to take; they had to invent it themselves. It is well to be clear on this point, for European civilization rests on three legs. They are Greek science, Jewish religion and Roman law. / Page 39 / Roman law may well be considered the Roman development of Greek scientific method. I will therefore deal with two examples in some little detail. These are taken from the sphere of mathematics and astronomy, for it was in these two sciences that the Greeks had their most outstanding success, doing about as much as could possibly be done under the conditions of their day and laying the foundations on which all subsequent work has been based. The Egyptians knew of many useful methods of -geo- metrical calculation, for finding the area of a field, the volume of a barrel and so on. The Babylonians and earlier Mesopotamians had made accurate observations of sun, moon and stars over long periods and developed ingenious methods for calculating their future positions in the sky. In these arts of calculation these people had nothing to learn from the Greeks; it was the other way about. But there is no evidence that they ever dreamt of turning the art of calculation into the science of mathematics. Solving particular problems, however ingeniously, is not necessarily science any more than is playing chess (though all chess problems are geometrical) or keeping accounts (though all money reckoning is arithmetical). Mathematical science in the proper sense of the word attains its end by two means : (1) generalizing as far as is possible all problems and their solutions, so that one solution solves any number of particular cases; (2) finding proofs that solutions are correct as opposed to finding solutions which might be right by chance, not by necessity. The method used is the method of discussion in its specifically mathematical form. The Egyptians could set out a right-angle on the ground, for building or for land surveying, by means of a cord knotted at intervals of 3, 4 and 5 units of length. They adjusted three pegs to make a triangle with the knots at the pegs when the cord was stretched tight round them. The Greeks, seeing this trick, generalized the problem and looked for a proof of the solution. The final result, after two centuries of effort, is the First Book of Euclid's Elements, leading up to Proposition 47—that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of / Page 40 / the squares on the other sides, and that this must be so, granted the assumptions made at the beginning. (The proposition is further generalized in, Euclid VI, 31.) In this way a technical dodge of the land surveyor, depending upon the fact that 32+42= 52, was turned into science. Page 38 Notes 1 Thucydides IV, 104—V, 26.
THE GROWTH OF SCIENCE A.P.Rossiter 1939 Page 15 "The Egyptians,…" "…made good observations on the stars and were able to say when the sun or moon would become dark in an eclipse (a most surprising event even in our times), and when the land would be covered by the waters of the Nile: they were expert at building and made some discoveries about the relations of lines and angles - among them one very old rule for getting a right-angle by stretching out knotted cords with 5, 4 And 3 units between the knots." "...among them one very old rule for getting a right-angle by stretching out knotted cords with 5, 4 And 3 units between the knots."
CIVILIZATION, SCIENCE AND RELIGION A. D. RITCHIE 1945 THE ART OF THINKING Page 39 "The Egyptians could set out a right-angle on the ground, for building or for land surveying, by means of a cord knotted at intervals of 3, 4 and 5 units of length."
neoplatonism : Message: Re: [neoplatonism] Re: hieroglyphs ...
The 7 Heaven's and Earth's Below - David Icke's Official Forums 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 10 Feb
The 7 Heaven's and Earth's Below This section of the angels story has been given different names by different theologians. It has been called: These would be similar to the lowlands and highlands of our world. The seven heavens stack one over the top of each other in a straight line. I am presenting this information by combining in order both 7 Heavens & 7 Earths. The portrayal of the synthesis for - The 7 Heavens - was made by me using as much as possible the information in hand. Steli :-)
Seven is the maximum number of eclipses of the Sun and Moon that can occur in any one year. Luicifer is responsible for bringing all below to above. The Seventh Heaven The Seventh Earth More References The notion of the 7 Heavens appears in The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs and other Jewish apocrypha, and was familiar to the ancient Persians and Babylonians. namaste SEVEN EVENS SEVEN The 7 Deadly Sins * Gula (gluttony) 7 colours of light 7 steps from creation to divine 7 steps to heaven 7 realities of existense 7 states of being
The 7 Tetragonal crystal classes. Topologists have been able to prove that 7 colors may be needed on a donut shaped map to ensure that no adjacent areas are the same. There are seven different ways of linking four hexagons together. 7 is the smallest number of integer-sided rectangles that tile a rectangle so that no 2 rectangles share a common length. The Chemical Element Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7. The 7 directions: north, south, east, west, up, down and the center. In Humans: the 7 Endocrine glands. The 7 colors of the rainbow. The 7 double letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The 7 classical planets. The 7 bodies of the Human microcosm. In Humans: the 7 chakras. Seventh heaven is the farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars in the Moslem and cabalist systems. SEVEN EVENS SEVEN movie1.search.biglobe.ne.jp/video/watch/af38f248523e931f - Cached - Similar -lightgiver and the Book of Revelations: - Page 26 - David Icke's ... 10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 8 Jun Seven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven generation sustainability is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future. Our generation, the seventh generation since the Alter Rebbe . . . and this generation (the last generation of the exile) immediately becomes the generation of the Geula . "In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine." —Great Law of the Iroquois “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, —Genesis 4:19-24 (NKJV) . Read Genesis 4 and 5 carefully and you'll discover that the full flowering of wickedness or righteousness becomes apparent in the seventh generation from Adam in each respective line. 7th pineal/crown crown Saturn Rosslyn (King of the Grail) The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column, as well as states of consciousness, developmental stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colors, sounds, and much, much more. 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls the seventh "trumpet" is an announcement that the "king" and his kingdom have arrived. 7. The Seventh Bowl This next judgement is the last and final judgement. THE SEVENTH SEAL “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” Revelation 8:1. The 7th seal, remember, has still to be opened. Chapter seven was inserted between the 6th and 7th seals simply because that is when the sealing work will occur in the stream of time. But once the 144,000 are sealed, the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth are allowed to release the four winds which will hurt the earth, the sea and the trees. The hurting of the earth, the sea and the trees is in fact the beginning of the 7th seal. 7 candles of the Menorah There are seven planets, namely: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. The Seventh Sign is a 1988 film written by Clifford and Ellen Green and directed by Carl Schultz.( The seals have been broken. The prophecies have begun.) Seven (also marketed as Se7en) is a 1995 American crime film ,(remember the head in the box at the end)could this have represented John the baptist?) Chapter 7: 144,000 Sealed on Earth and a Throne Scene of Delivered Saints 7th Chakra of the earth, Great Pyramid & Mt Sinai & Mt of Olives Throat Chakra & air Spinner Wheel Egypt Middle East.http://www.earthchakras.org/ "Each of the major cathedrals along the pilgrimage were on ancient sites representing the seven major chakras of Europe. The sites were: Cathedral of St. James at Compostela (Moon Oracle) - base chakra THE SEVEN CHURCHES Moving to the book of Revelation, we find letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. These seven churches, while they were literal congregations, they are also understood to be a description of a spectrum of seven conditions any church can find itself in. They are also considered symbolic for seven consecutive periods of time, from the Apostolic church to the time of the second coming as follows: Ephesus ("desirable"), Rev. 2:1-7 — The Apostolic church of the 1st century. Knight of the Eagle and Pelican is one of the titles applied to a Rose-Croix ...... The number 7 is the sacred number in all theogo- nies and in all symbolisms. ..... the keystone of the Temple, the symbol of occult Ma- sonry ; — the cross, that central .... Mithra, it was said in the ancient Sabean Mysteries, 7/7 ripple effect 7 days in a week More to come,there is a lot more to it.
SEVEN EVENS SEVEN "Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lightgiver 26-07-2009, 05:06 PM #252 Join Date: Apr 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In astronomy, the Pleiades, or seven sisters, (Messier object 45) are an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. Pleiades has several meanings in different cultures and traditions. The cluster is dominated by hot blue stars that have formed within the last 100 million years. Dust that forms a faint reflection nebulosity around the brightest stars was thought at first to be left over from the formation of the cluster (hence the alternate name Maia Nebula after the star Maia), but is now known to be an unrelated dust cloud in the interstellar medium that the stars are currently passing through. Astronomers estimate that the cluster will survive for about another 250 million years, after which it will disperse due to gravitational interactions with its galactic neighbourhood. The Babylonian star catalogues name them MUL.MUL or "star of stars", and they head the list of stars along the ecliptic, reflecting the fact that they were close to the point of vernal equinox around the 23rd century BC. Some Greek astronomers considered them to be a distinct constellation, and they are mentioned by Hesiod, and in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. They are also mentioned three times in the Bible (Job 9:9 and 38:31, as well as Amos 5:8). The Pleiades (Krittika) are particularly revered in Hindu mythology as the six mothers of the war god Skanda, who developed six faces, one for each of them. Some scholars of Islam suggested that the Pleiades (Al thuraiya) are the Star in Najm which is mentioned in the Quran. I sometimes wish someone else had started this thread,I am getting an aversion to the term Grand secretary,it should be petite secretary. The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt In recent years, alternative historians have gained remarkable insight into the mysteries of ancient Egypt-but according to Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, their discoveries tie into a dangerous conspiracy nearly fifty years in the making. At the centre of this conspiracy is a group of respected, powerful individuals who believe that the ancient Egyptian gods are real extraterrestrials who will soon return to earth. The conspirators have intimate and exclusive knowledge of this momentous second coming-but they insist on keeping it to themselves. In this riveting, well-researched book, Picknett and Price reveal what this conspiracy means for the rest of mankind-and expose the insidious motivations of the individuals and organizations behind it... The Greys were bugging me this morning while I slept,yeah 3 to 4 foot with their little probes and Needles. The notion of an intellectual elite as a distinguished social stratum can be traced far back in history. Examples are the philosopher-kings and guardians of Plato's Republic and monks in medieval Europe, who are now seen as custodians of history and culture. Their well-conceived United Religions Initiative will become a powerful tool to influence the masses toward their desired globalist agenda through a syncretic theology, which rabidly opposes religions, which do not conform to their syncretic doctrines, labelling them as intransigent and intolerant, narrow-minded bigots. and on the 7 th day God took a break. The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple http://www.scribd.com/doc/2045191/Th...-Robert-Temple 'I'm not telling you up to seven times, I'm telling you up to seventy seven times!' " http://www.973-eht-namuh-973.com/col...s_1_cont_6.htm The Illuminati and the Masonic "G": 7 = 3+4 = C+T = G http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot....masonic-g.html In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike writes that Sirius was "the inventor of language, grammar, ... to the second degree in Masonry, whilst the seventh initiation makes the Adept a Master Mason of the Brotherhood of Sirius. ... http://www.whale.to/b/melanson.html seventh degree Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. http://www.waking-up.com/issue001/service.html Noble Realms / The Matrix built by Sirians ? Sirius Serious ?:
A BRIEF HISTORY OF INFINITY "The Quest to Think the Unthinkable Brian Clegg 2003 Page 66 "When dealing with such ratios, they would know that there was a clear relationship in terms of a full unit - so, for instance, in the famous right angled triangle of Pythagoras' theorem, they would think of of the longest side being 5 units long when the other side were 3 and 4..." 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 Pythagorean Triangles and Triples Jump to The 3-4-5 Triangle: 3 4 5 on graph paper But all Pythagorean triangles are even easier to draw on squared paper because all their sides are ... www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Pythag/pythag.html - Cached - Similar
THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -3:4:5 triangle definition - Math Open Reference - Sep 23 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -The Pythagorean Theorem and the Maya Long Count Various ancient cultures based some of their artwork on the 3-4-5 right triangle, frequently referred to by geometrists as a perfect triangle. Pythagoras is ... www.earthmatrix.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras The evidence that the particular triangle alluded to in the Monitor is the 3,4,5 right triangle can be derived from the odd comments about Pythagoras' ... www.sricf-ca.org/paper1.htm - Similar
THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -The 3-4-5 Rule is the Pythagorean Theorem: Set Control Lines for ... The Pythagorean theorem is the basis for the 3-4-5 rule. This simple math equation is a carpenter's tool used to find or verify the squareness of a room or ... 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -pythagoras For integers m and n, {n2-m2, 2mn, n2+m2}is a pythagorean triangle. For m=1, n=2, you'll get {3, 4, 5}. I'll add a diagram so that this isn't completely ... www.mathpuzzle.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -The Pythagorean Theorem First described by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras 2500 years ago, the Pythagorean ... For example: 3,4,5 or 6,8,10 or 9,12,15 or 12,16,20 ... etc ... www.worsleyschool.net/.../pythagoras/pythagoreantheorem.html - Cached - Similar 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 -pythagoras Pythagoras the 3-4-5 fallacy. ... Traditionally the example used to illustrate the Pythagorean theorem is the 3-4-5 diagram. This is a fallacy, ... www.marques.co.za/duke/pythagoras.htm - Cached - Similar - 345 THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 345 The Theorem of Pythagoras 25 Nov 2001 ... Brief description and proof of the Pythagorean theorem by dissection, ... Ancient Egyptian builders may have known the (3,4,5) triangle and ... arc.iki.rssi.ru/mirrors/stern/stargaze/Spyth.htm - Cached - Similar -
JUST SIX NUMBERS THE DEEP FORCES THAT SHAPE THE UNIVERSE Martin Rees 1999 Page 7 "Lengths spanning sixty powers of ten are depicted in the ouraborus," Page 8 FIGURE 1.1 (omitted) "The ouraborus, There are links between the microworld of particles, nuclei and atoms (left) and the cosmos (right)" Page 161 "A theme of this book has been the intimate links between the microworld and the cosmos symbolized by the ouraborus"
Solar Plexus; snake swallowing its own tail 11 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 19 Feb 2005 The ouraborous is the flow of a kind of kundalini which bypasses the heart. Kundalini is the Luciferic initiation.
1,2,3,4: Pythagoras and the Cosmology of Number
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1,2,3,4: PYTHAGORAS AND THE COSMOLOGY OF NUMBER At the heart of vedic mathematics lies a principle that underscores most, if not all, of the ancient wisdom traditions, the conveying of knowledge through cryptic, highly compressed expressions, open to multiple levels of interpretation. A prime example of this is the teaching of the Greek mathematician and sage Pythagoras. According to his ancient biographers: "In the Pythagorean school, knowledge was transmitted symbolically, through the use of cryptic statements and riddles, in which a small number of words was pregnant with multiple levels of interpretation. Students were required to find meaning in these enigmatic lessons, sometimes through questioning and dialogue, sometimes by meditating upon their many possible meanings." (1) If this was true of Pythagorean teachings, it was even more significant in more ancient schools of knowledge; it was, after all, at these schools, in Egypt, Babylon, and elsewhere, that Pythagoras gained his knowledge. In the case of the Indian tradition, both in Vedic times and later in the Hindu and Buddhist periods, the term most commonly encountered for this kind of cryptic literature was the sutra or collection of sutras. While this is often translated as "aphorism," or "formula," the word comes from the Sanskrit root for "thread," a usage that persists in the modern word "suture." As doctors use sutures to sow us up after surgery, the ancient sutras tie together our knowledge and integrate our awareness. There is no better example than the teachings contained in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras whose terse expressions contain instructions for the development of higher states of consciousness. Similarly, all the principles of vedic mathematics are encapsulated in sixteen sutras, which, along with thirteen sub-sutras, provide the basis for all the operations described in "The Cosmic Computer" (2). "He [Pythagoras] held that the ultimate substances of all things, material and immaterial, were numbers, which had two distinct and complimentary aspects. On the one hand, they had a spatial and dynamic existence, and, on the other, they were fundamental formulating principles which were purely abstract. Thus, for example, the monad was understood by the Pythagoreans both as the number one, which had physical properties that could be manipulated in nature, and as an idea, which embodied the original unity at the source of all creation." (6) The fundamental formulating principles in the universe are those values of unity, duality, diversity and wholeness we have already encountered. In Pythagorean thought these principles are clearly expressed in the first four numbers. Furthermore, this symbolism can be interpreted in terms of the Quadrivium, the four Pythagorean mathematical disciplines: arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. Level Object Faculty Type of Knowledge IV Forms dialectic transcendental cognition } internal
III mathematics thinking, scientific understanding } world
Etc. reasoning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II physical sense common-sense belief } external objects perception } world I shadows illusory illusion (8) perception It can be seen from this scheme that within the subjective realm of the mind, Plato posits a level of knowledge higher than that which deals with mathematical objects through the processes of thinking and reasoning. This is the level of the forms and it is reached, Plato tells us, through the use of the "second phase" of the dialectic, a technique that, according to Jonathan Shear is similar to the practice of jñana yoga. (9) This again reflects the Pythagorean approach to mathematics, one that must, on some level at least, apply to vedic maths also: "For Pythagoras, mathematics served as a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds. He pursued the discipline of mathematics not only as a way of understanding and manipulating nature, but also as a means of turning the mind away from the physical world, which he held to be transitory and unreal, and leading it to the contemplation of eternal and truly existing things that never vary. He taught his students that by focusing on the elements of mathematics, they could calm and purify the mind, and ultimately, through disciplined effort, experience true happiness." (10) Notes: (1) John Strohmeier and Peter Westbrook. Divine Harmony: The Life and Teachings of Pythagoras. (Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Hills Books, 1999), p. 54. copyright to the ACADEMY OF VEDIC MATHEMATICS Home Page Site Map Contact us
Free Numerology School | A Brief History of Pythagorean Numerology numerology-school.com/brief-history-of-numerology.html The history of Numerology is closely related to the invention of alphabet. Since letters of alphabet were also used to record numbers, each and every word could be given a numeric value. The process of adding together the numeric values of separate letters to obtain a value for the whole word was called by the Greeks isopsephy. Later, when this method was used to interpret the Torah, it was called Gematria. isopsephy was widely used by the Greeks in magic and interpretation of dreams. According to tradition, Pythagoras used isopsephy for divination. The idea is that if two words or two phrases have the same numeric value, then there is some kind of an invisible link between them. For example, Jesus in Greek (Ιησούς) adds up to 888, as well as the phrase "I am life" (η ζωη ειμι). Clearly, Christians felt this made a lot of sense. As you will see, the approach that is used today to obtain the numeric value of a name or a word is substantially different from the method used in isopsephy.
A BRIEF HISTORY OF INFINITY "The Quest to Think the Unthinkable Brian Clegg 2003 Page 66 "When dealing with such ratios, they would know that there was a clear relationship in terms of a full unit - so, for instance, in the famous right angled triangle of Pythagoras' theorem, they would think of of the longest side being 5 units long when the other side were 3 and 4..."
Pythagorean Triangles and Triples Jump to The 3-4-5 Triangle: 3 4 5 on graph paper But all Pythagorean triangles are even easier to draw on squared paper because all their sides are ...
www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Pythag/pythag.html - Cached - Similar
-3:4:5 triangle definition - Math Open Reference - Sep 23
-The Pythagorean Theorem and the Maya Long Count Various ancient cultures based some of their artwork on the 3-4-5 right triangle, frequently referred to by geometrists as a perfect triangle. Pythagoras is ...
www.earthmatrix.com/pythagoras.html - Cached - Similar
-Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras The evidence that the particular triangle alluded to in the Monitor is the 3,4,5 right triangle can be derived from the odd comments about Pythagoras' ...
www.sricf-ca.org/paper1.htm - Similar
-The 3-4-5 Rule is the Pythagorean Theorem: Set Control Lines for ... The Pythagorean theorem is the basis for the 3-4-5 rule. This simple math equation is a carpenter's tool used to find or verify the squareness of a room or ... 3 4 5 PYTHAGORAS THE MISSING NUMBERS IN THE WORD PYTHAGORAS 3 4 5
CIVILIZATION, SCIENCE AND RELIGION A. D. RITCHIE 1945 THE ART OF THINKING Page 39 "The Egyptians could set out a right-angle on the ground, for building or for land surveying, by means of a cord knotted at intervals of 3, 4 and 5 units of length."
EGYPT 57772 EGYPT 5+2 = 7 - 7 = 5+2 EGYPT 57772 EGYPT
EGYPT 57772 EGYPT 5+2 = 7 - 7 = 5+2 EGYPT 57772 EGYPT
EGYPT 57772 EGYPT 5+2 = 7 - 7 = 5+2 EGYPT 57772 EGYPT
JUST SIX NUMBERS THE DEEP FORCES THAT SHAPE THE UNIVERSE Martin Rees 1999 Page 7 "Lengths spanning sixty powers of ten are depicted in the ouraborus," Page 8 FIGURE 1.1 (omitted) "The ouraborus, There are links between the microworld of particles, nuclei and atoms (left) and the cosmos (right)" Page 161 "A theme of this book has been the intimate links between the microworld and the cosmos symbolized by the ouraborus"
Solar Plexus; snake swallowing its own tail 11 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 19 Feb 2005 The ouraborous is the flow of a kind of kundalini which bypasses the heart. Kundalini is the Luciferic initiation.
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